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What is Sweets' Purpose in Season 6?

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What is Sweets' Purpose in Season 6? Empty What is Sweets' Purpose in Season 6?

Post  Bailey Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:09 pm

I've been watching some older Bones episode this weekend and it really made me start thinking about what role Sweets is now playing on the show. So far in season six I've increasingly found myself annoyed with him. And I always loved his character. Seems like right now he's just stuck in the interrogation room, usually alone, with the suspect and I just spend that time thinking, "wait, why aren't Booth & Brennan doing this interview?"

Sweets was originally brought onto the show to help Booth & Brennan work together after Booth arrested Max. Then in the episode where Max is on trial, Sweets comes to the two of them and says, "I want to study you for my book." And they agreed, BUT his book was written last season, and we haven't seen them in Sweets' office for any "real" purpose since the 100th episode (correct me if I've missed something there.) And I think that's why he's annoying me. All the reasons I loved Sweets, his interactions with Booth & Brennan, they're gone.

So, going forward (no spoilers just speculation on what's already aired) what will Sweets' purpose be? I don't see it saying as it is, because it really isn't working. They have to come up with a reason for his being there. Will they be forced back into therapy if something big happens between them due to the Hannah situation? Maybe they both do admit their feelings for one another and the FBI determines the only way they can continue to be partners is if they'll work with Sweets to go through it? Or conversely if Booth/Hannah stay together and the relationship between Booth/Brennan falls apart so much they can't seem to make it work and the FBI forces them to work with Sweets to get through that. Or maybe there'll be another reason I'm not foreseeing at the moment.

Whatever it is, I really think they need to come up with a purpose for the shrink soon (aside from banging Daisy in his office) or he's going to fall out of his place as my favorite character (well other than the leads.)


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What is Sweets' Purpose in Season 6? Empty Re: What is Sweets' Purpose in Season 6?

Post  BonesFanFr Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:36 pm

Interesting question.
I understand his being there in season 3 after Booth arrested Max, and then still there as asking Brennan and Booth let him study them for his book. I have to say I did not like him experimenting on Brennan after Booth's fake death. Anyways, from season 4 on, he started to get more and more screen time, and it annoyed me a little as it seems that sometimes you could see him more than Cam or any of the team.

And toward the end of season 4 (Mayhem on a Cross), the book was done, or at least a first draft since he asked Gordon Gordon to read his manuscrit and write its intro. The book was ready and could have been published between the end of season 4 and the beginning of season 5 -some time before "The Dwarf in the Dirt"- as per his conversation with GG. So maybe he did not tell them, but he knew there was no reason for Booth and Brennan to see him for councelling. So instead of counceling session time, Sweets just became more and more involved in the cases.
What happened to the young man in "The Bones on the Blue Line' had him think about his life and he decided to publish his book, and gave a copy to Booth and Brennan before doing it. Which led to the 100th episode when he said his book would be published. Then yes, he officially didnot have to help with the cases anymore since it was part of the deal.

I guess Booth and Brennan had gotten used to go to Sweets to have his insight on some things. They came to Sweets' office in "The Predator in the Pool" but for the case only, and in the next episodes, when they all meet, it's in Booth's office or in the interrogation room or at the Royal Diner, and it's always about the cases, yes. He tried to talk to Booth in "The Death of the Queen Bee" via video call, but Booth stopped it fast.
In season 6, Sweets tries to get them to talk about what happened when they all left, sometimes one to one, sometimes with Booth and Brennan being there together, but since they don't want to talk about it further on and they do not have to, it goes nowhere. So, apart from his personal story with Daisy, and when Booth asks him about Parker, he is there to help with the cases only.

I have to say it bothers me a little less this year, at least for now, as there are some valid reasons, like when he interrogates the Skakespearian guy, or the second interrogation of the woman after Booth's in last week episode. I was more annoyed in the previous seasons as he was everywhere. Of course, his presence takes time from Booth and Brennan being together, but in the context of the situation, I understand that Booth feels uncomfortable to be with Brennan as often as he was before. Not because he just does not want to be with her, but because he's fighting the feelings he had (and I'm sure still has) for her that he tries to burry as deep as possible. But the situation has to change at one point and Booth being confortable around Brennan again.

As for Booth and Brennan somehow having to go back to councelling, well maybe things become really tense between them and the FBI is thinking of splitting them up (the same way as they thought about it when Booth arrested Brennan's dad). Or maybe they both admit their feelings and again, the FBI wants to be sure they can work together. One of these reasons would be legitimate. But I'm not sure HH would go back to that since they already did it in season 3.

anyways, I like Sweets but, other than Brennan and Booth, I have other characters I'd prefer to have more screen time first, so I hope they won't have him as much as they had sometimes in the past. I think it is ok they go to him when they need some real psychological insight (Booth being quite good on his own, even if no professional, for ordinary cases), but not as a permanent help. After all, they managed really well during the first 2 seasons without his help. Maybe we'll get some insight from either HH or SN or the actors.


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What is Sweets' Purpose in Season 6? Empty Re: What is Sweets' Purpose in Season 6?

Post  treble Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:53 pm

I've actually had some very in depth thoughts about this and while I could write a super long post I'm too lazy LOL but for me it basically boils down to the fact that the "centre" isn't holding, so everyone else is collapsing, starting with the one that is so dependent upon B/B.


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What is Sweets' Purpose in Season 6? Empty Re: What is Sweets' Purpose in Season 6?

Post  Bailey Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:46 pm

treble wrote:I've actually had some very in depth thoughts about this and while I could write a super long post I'm too lazy LOL but for me it basically boils down to the fact that the "centre" isn't holding, so everyone else is collapsing, starting with the one that is so dependent upon B/B.

Lol, short but this says a lot Treble.

Sweets is their baby duck, so really he's like the child of divorcing parents in this whole situation, isn't he? Smile

I want to see scene with Sweet talking to one of them about how he really feels, speaking of that I want to see Cam talk to Booth. I mean, they've avoided that all season, I really hope they use her to start putting the pieces back together as we go forward here, I think she really understands these two.

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